Party on the Patio!

January 27, 2000

If you missed this year's TROMA party, you missed the one of the best events Night Flight Comics hosts. Food, beverage, free comics (thanks DC Comics!) movie posters, TROMA bootleg copies of TERROR FIRMER were autographed and given by Lloyd himself. We also screened Lloyd Kaufman's directed TERROR FIRMER with special guests like, director Kevin DeLullo (CAGE IN BOX ELDER, NIGHTFALL), Toxic Avenger and Sgt. Kabuki Man.

Some of the attendees were, New York Film Commissioner Pat Kaufman, Salt Lake Tribune reporter Vince Horiuchi, drummer for Evil Petting Zoo, Greg Gage, Dr. Eve Hill and artist Trevor Nielson.

Not everyone at the party wished to allow their photograph to be taken. So none of the naked people are in the photos. Don't miss next year's bash and you'll get to see it all.

Back Row: Trevor Nielson, Alison, Greg Gage, Sara Sant
Front: Sgt. KabukiMan NYPD, Toxie, fan

Sgt. KabukiMan NYPD, Alison, Kevin DeLullo, Toxie

Sgt. KabukiMan NYPD, Robyn Hill, Alan Carroll, Toxie

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