Andrew Vachss

Another Chance To Get It Right
a children's book for adults

Click here to read Don Thompson's review of Another Chance To Get It Right by Andrew Vachss And, in a moving and incredibly well done chapter (this is the one you should read aloud to small children), two small boys and their wooden spaceship form an allegory for world peace and brotherhood which does not preach at all, but which gets its message across in an unforgettable way.

—Don Thompson
Comics Buyers Guide #1000
January 15, 1993

Click Dave Gibbons art [right] to order

Art by Dave Gibbons.
© 1999-2001 Andrew Vachss.
All rights reserved.
Used with permission.

Biology does not make a man a father,
nor a woman a mother—we are what we do.

That is the underlying theme of the twelve short stories that comprise the graphic story albumAnother Chance To Get It RightAuthor Andrew Vachss places you on a battlefield in Africa, your only living companion a boy patiently waiting to be killed; and on the roof of an old tenement building, strapped into a renovated packing crate that's flying two children across the cosmos; he walks you through the courtroom nightmare of an abused little girl, and he sends you once again across the tightrope between adolescence and adulthood. And when the journey is ended, after all the stories are told, he asks you to remember what children are: another chance for our flawed species. Another chance to get it right.

Andrew Vachss is an attorney who specializes in juvenile justice. He's fought the battle against child abuse in courtrooms across the country, in literally hundreds of cases. In this illustrated story album, he's created something that's more nurturing than combative; he's created a preventative medicine.

"...Filled with the spirit of redemption...another on-target hit by an author
who has made children his primary concern."
      People Magazine

a children's book for adults
Art Rick Geary. Art © 1993 Andrew Vachss. © 1999-2001

Written By
Andrew Vachss
Paul Chadwick

"What children are, more than anything else, is this:
another chance for our flawed species to get it right."

Andrew Vachss, the best-selling crime author of suspense classics like Sacrifice, Blossom and CHOICE OF EVIL—his 13th novel—Vachss creates an exceptional, personal vision of hope and challenge with Another Chance To Get It Right
a prose-poem essay presenting the possibilities and limitations of childhood, along with seven fiction vignettes, facets of the same precious stone.
Andrew Vachss writes
Another Chance To Get It Right
with some of the finest illustrators in the world, each contributing artist illustrates a separate vignette: Timothy Bradstreet (Hard Looks); Paul Chadwick (Concrete); Geof Darrow (Hard Boiled); Rick Geary (Cyberantics, Prairie Moon); Gary Gianni (Indiana Jones, Hard Looks); Dave Gibbons (Give Me Liberty); and Warren Pleece (Velocity, Hard Looks).
This is a different kind of children's book—a book for and about the children of the world. Their formidable barriers. Their unlimited potential. And the challenge to us all.
Another Chance To Get It Right
is a book for children, and their parents now, and for years to come.

64 B&W pages, $9.95 U.S. ISBN: 1-56971-115-1

Order your copy (or gift copy for a friend) here.

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stocks all available Andrew Vachss' novels and comics.

For information regarding individual and/or distributor orders,
email or phone 801.272.8343

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Another Chance To Get It Right words and art © 1992-2001 Andrew Vachss
All rights reserved. Used with permission.

come down to The Zero